First Person Shooter > PC : HL2 MOD > Antlion Troopers Deuce > Bugs
Posted: August 30th, 2006
Last Updated: August 30th, 2006
Here is just a personal collection of bugs that I found while playing. Hopefully this is useful to the Antlion Troopers team.
- Sometimes when all the combines go through the front gate after they charge into it, they bunch up together real close. Sometimes disabling the ability for the commander to move to his designated spot.
- Sometimes during the starting, the ship will stop for some reason while riding in it with the commander. It may get stuck on something like the mountains or another ship? It will stay there indefinitely.
- There is a spot where the antlions like to get stuck in (sometimes three or more at a time):

- The feature/ability to move combines needs a bit of work.When selecting quite a few at once, sometimes they will get caught on one another. Another problematic area for control is moving them up the ramps on the outer wall. An even bigger problem is when you want the combines to jump down the hole in the floor, it's very hard to control them to jump down the hole, and even harder to make the second jump.