Many different links, are listed on many different websites of mine right now. So to reduce redundancy, I have minimized this list.
My Other Sites
Half-Life Library - Half-Life Library is a Half-Life wiki where anybody can edit and add as much content as they want. This site focuses more on user generated content like custom maps, modifications, videos, models, clans and more.
Medicine Hat Media - Medicine Hat Media is all about showcasing local media - whether it be videos, events, local band music or other things happening in and around the Hat.
Vaughn Royko - My Portfolio - This is my main portfilio and personal website. I'm currently in my archival mode so you will see a lot of my different work from a lot of different years, as well as the most current stuff I get myself in to.
Vaughn Royko - Linkage - This is my most frequently updated links page, so you can refer here to all my current projects and site.
Great Links
Astoria: Theodor Lauppert's Homepage - My main inspiration for this site.
GameFAQs - Where would anybody be without this site? Walkthroughs and guides for every game you can imagine.
The Wikipedia - The Wikipedia started it's journey to the top years ago. Now it is the largest, most advanced online encyclopedia in the world. This site is my God.
Internet Movie Database (IMDB) - A great site that I will link to from time to time, since it includes some information about games as well.
GameSpot - A great game site with reviews, screenshot, videos, and news on upcoming games, I usually reference this all the time.
Overclock Remix - An amazing site featuring music remixes from hundreds of game soundtracks, mostly classic games :).
Tool Assisted Console Game Movies - A huge name, but it's got amazing content on the site. It has speed runs and time attacks for hundreds of games.
ModDB - I love modifications for all the games that I play. I usually try to mod games too if I like them a lot. This site has thousands of mods for hundreds of PC games. Forum - A great web host and a great forum!