MMORPG > PC : DEMO > Everquest II: Trial of the Isle > Quest Information
Last Updated : January 7th, 2006
There is actually quite a few quests on the Isle of Refuge, although completing all of them might decrease in interest as you will most definitely will hit your level cap of Level 6. Here is a complete list of the Quests, the class requirement (if any), and the location (on most). Most of this information is from here.
Aquatic Research
Attack on the Orc Leader (Mage) - Malvonicus' Tower
Cutlass Cleaning - Captain Rockbelly's Grave
Deer Hunting (Scout) - Tent
Destroying the Goblin's Supplies (Mage) - Malvonicus' Tower
Ebik's Missing Parts
Gathering Sealant Components (Mage) - Malvonicus' Tower
Goblin Supply Raid (Fighter)
Hallmark: Archetype Selection - Starting
Hallmark: Cellar Cleanup - Malvonicus' Tower
Hallmark: Freeport Alignment - Ambassador Hut
Hallmark: Gruttooth Invasion
Hallmark: Qeynos Alignment - Ambassador Hut
Hallmark: Speaking with Braksan (Fighter)
Hallmark: Speaking with Mizan (Mage)
Hallmark: Speaking with Nathinia (Priest)
Hallmark: Speaking with Vladiminn (Scout)
Hunting the Orcish Leader - Vladiminn Tent
Language: Claiming The Goblish Tongue
Lasydia's Call
Refugee Rescue (Fighter)
Removing the Orc Menace (Priest)
Removing the Orc Menace (Fighter)
Sandy Bone Shard
Scouting the Goblin Camp (Scout) - Vladiminn Tent
Stop the Saboteurs - Goblin Camp
Striking Back at The Goblins (Fighter)
Striking Back at The Goblins (Mage) - Malvonicus' Tower
Striking Back at The Goblins (Priest)
Striking Back at The Goblins (Scout) - Vladiminn Tent
Venom Sac Collection (Priest)
Visit the Ambassadors (Fighter)
Visit the Ambassadors (Mage) - Malvonicus' Tower
Visit the Ambassadors (Priest)
Visit the Ambassadors (Scout) - Vladiminn Tent
War Statues (Priest)
X Marks the Spot - Fallen Pirates
Xaeliea's Request - Xaeliea's Tent