First Person Shooter > PC > Shadow Warrior > OpenGL Port
Posted: March 1st, 2006
Last Updated: March 1st, 2006
Not only is this a port of Shadow Warrior to render graphics under OpenGL, but it also allows you to run the game on any newer operating system as well, such as XP, and even Linux. This port is made possible due to the Shadow Warrior source code being released on April 1st, 2005. The source code was used and a port was made by JonoF (Jonathon Fowler), who is also the creator of the OpenGL port of Duke Nukem 3D, and also works with Ken Silverman to update the build engine. He has a site dedicated to all this stuff and more here
The current and newest release now features OpenGL voxel models and peer-to-peer multiplayer! Full multiplayer is still being worked on at this time and is explained further on my Online Play page. Visit JonoF's JFShadowWarrior (JFSW) page here for downloads and more information.
Currently there is a number of issues with the port, most importantly the crashes, which are rather high at this point. I described them on the front page, but I will list the problems I had here as well.
Fortunately somebody named ProAsm has taken the JFShadowWarrior source and modified it a little bit. ProAsm's Swp.exe features some advancements including a better heads up display, and this one actually has no key assignment problems that I had with straight JFShadowWarrior. For more information and a download of Swp.exe visit ProAsm's website here