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First Person Shooter > PC : HL2 MOD > Antlion Troopers

Antlion Troopers (PC : HL2 MOD)
Release Date: December 10th, 2004
Developer: RomeoJGuyMail Link
Genre: First Person Shooter

Posted: August 30th, 2006
Last Updated: August 30th, 2006

Latest Release: 1.0

On-Site Links

Antlion Troopers 1.0 (8.1 MB .rar)Offsite Link

Antlion Troopers logo
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Off-Site Links
Official SiteOffsite Link
Official Release Forum Post from HL2world.comOffsite Link Review (Russian)Offsite Link

ESRB Rating:

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Number of Players:
1 Player

Prequels, Sequels and Expansions:
Antlion Troopers Deuce (PC : HL2 MOD) (Sequel)

Average Completion Time:
10 Minutes

Similar To:
Half-Life 2 (PC)

Related To:
Half-Life 2 (PC)
Starship Troopers (MOVIE)

Rating: Average rating: 4
Average rating: 4
2 Ratings
5 4 3 2 1

Antlion Troopers is a single player map for Half-Life 2 that has spawned a second part into the series as a full modification. As this is only a map, this overlook will be fairly short.

The title of the map is an obvious reference to the movie "Starship TroopersOffsite Link", a movie that features insects in it almost exactly like the Antlions in Half-Life 2. I noticed this similarity right away when I seen the first beta shots of Half-Life 2. I knew it wouldn't be long until somebody made a map or modification like this. In this map you are a combine soldier being aided by other combine soldiers to help protect the base against the Antlion horde that soon will be attacking.

I found this map to be incredibly fun, but also at the same time very hard on my computer. You will need a very good machine to be able to run this decently. Also, the "Low Quality Version" of this map no longer is available, so you will have to make due by turning your graphic settings down if you are having trouble. There is also many different ways where you will be able to cheat your way to completing the map (although it doesn't actually end the map when your done, at least for me it didn't). Some of these ways can be seen on my Strategy page. It also was a little too short for my tastes, and just a little bit to easy to break the system that was put in place. I guess that's why he (RomeoJGuyMail Link) started working on the second part: "Antlion Troopers Deuce".

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