Originally written June 30th, 2007

Everybody is a hypocrite. How can you ever possibly live without saying a contradiction? Of course, people change, and so does their mindset from that specific time of their life. This isn’t exactly what I am referring to, but it could be the only one true excusable interference with this outlook, well if you are looking for an excuse that is…

In this sense there is two types of people. (#1) The ones that realize their opinions and beliefs may contradict each other, but strive to be neutral in any sense, and (#2) those whom choose to ignore that their opinions and beliefs may be contradictory and claim they aren’t. The thing that strikes me as the most funny is the excuses to those who choose to claim that they are not contradictory. What are they trying to prove? They definitely are already a hypocrite in your mind, and unless you actually really respect the person you aren’t going to listen to their excuses anyways, after all you just called them a hypocrite, which isn’t at the top of the list of respectful things.

The Undeniable Hypocrisy

There is also the speech versus action debate; wherein, people can say one thing and become incongruous to their statements. This is the most popular form of hypocrisy. Most of this, I think, relates to the given circumstances at the time of speech and action. A person might say they will never do drugs, but under circumstances they might do it, unwillingly, or cognitively through a pressured instance. Perhaps I am picking on a easy target there. I guess I could of went with no sex until marriage, religion or a myriad of fallible statements that change depending on the circumstances. Don’t say never if you don’t know, and you don’t ever truly know, so don’t say never anyways, well unless you are the second type of person, then who cares, I think you’re a liar anyways.

Maybe there is a third type of person. One that does whatever they want without the fear of doing something contradictory. One that is truly detached from social standards, social or peer criticism, social acceptance. And in that very sense, this third type of person could have all three deficiencies built within their fiber. Perhaps they are the biggest hypocrite. Perhaps I am the biggest hypocrite? Hell, isn’t me writing this article contradicting some of what I said, did, said I did, said I said? Of course it is, but there’s the difference, the dissociation with the others. I realize this foundation.

Everybody is a liar, deal with it, don’t think you’re above reproach.

May 10th, 2007Chain To Nihilism

Note: My views and opinion on things have changed since writing this in 2006.

Originally written July 6th, 2006

As a kid, I was always questioning things; I was and still am a very curious person. Faith and religion were one thing (or two things) that I never questioned because my mother told me that’s how it was, and I had no reason to think otherwise. I grew older and seen how wrong that ideology actually was. There in fact was a reason to think otherwise and in fact my religion: christianity was not the only religion out there to my surprise. I later learned that Christianity was not the oldest and definitely not the most plausible or logical to me anymore.

I grew a little more and realized that all organized religion had no bearing in my life, and had nothing to offer me. I chose not to live my life based on faith and hope. I chose to live life realistically, questioning, scientifically, rationally, and most important, logically. I continued to keep the idea of “God” in the back of my mind however. I still “prayed” when I wanted something to happen, or wanted something not to happen. That’s the way i was told to help solve my life problems. Although it did comfort me, it was obviously worthless, as it never solved anything, it maybe even had a negative effect on the situation. Later, I chose to ditch the idea all together.

I then discovered that I was now grouped in a category named atheists. But my questioning mind didn’t stop there. I then tried to question, well, how did we all get here? How did this all start? Although I believe in what modern science and physics has proven about the Big Bang, the universe itself, and evolution, there still remains the lingering question: Well then what is the meaning of life?

I then realized this is why there is religion and faith in the first place. This question cannot be answered, so we have to invoke spiritual deities and other pseudo higher powers to instill us with some comfort and reassurance that this life is meaningful. But I then realized this isn’t an answer, it’s a blindfold, it’s just an excuse to cover up the question itself.

The fact is that this life on this planet has all been formed by a chain of events that lead to the eventual creation of atmosphere and sustainable life. Scientifically it all makes sense. But pseudo scientists (usually backed with their own religious agenda) continue to force beliefs on the general public that make no sense. Our universe is so vast, so huge that we don’t even know how big, or how vast it really is, not for sure anyways. There is at least another 200 billion galaxies besides ours. Why limit yourself to the idea that a God created us, and only us. There is other life forms out there, maybe wondering the same thing we are.


Now I am grouped into a generalization called “nihilist”. Before I even knew what nihilism was, I was already executing the chain to this belief since childhood. I am fine with this. Even though my life is bleak, and meaningless by nature, I am no longer blind, I have no force controlling my life. I am free to do whatever I want with my limited time.