I know I barely write anything here anymore, but I thought I would share this list. Who doesn’t love a good list?

I work professionally as both a designer and web developer. This list of 15 links are websites/blogs I frequent on a daily basis for inspiration, how-to’s and generally sites that stave off the boredom. This list isn’t in any specific order.

QBN is a great source for both design job postings and inspiration. There’s new featured sites/articles daily and also a big community showing off other links and interesting art-design related content.

Bittbox is all about finding good (and mostly free) resources for designers. It’s not quite updated everyday, but it’s still good to check it out everyday in case something new is posted. Whether you’re looking for good fonts, stock textures, stock vectors, and much more, there is tons of it on this site, usually for free.

Uncrate is all about the newest stuff. Whether you’re into furniture, gadgets, music, cars, this site has all the newest cool “things” that are available to buy.

Subtraction is a blog written by Khoi Vinh, a very inspirational designer working at NYTimes.com. Not only can this guy design but he can also write, very well (better than me). It’s not always updated daily, but there is a huge, and I mean HUGE archive section on his writings. Topics range from Art, Design, Computers, Net/Pop Culture, Web Design and more.

Yay! Monday!
Yay! Monday! is a weekly collection of websites, art, photography, design and video by Chris Kalani. He didn’t dig my UNDATA project, but i’m not bitter.

Design Observer
Design Observer is definitely a good read, when you are in the mood to read. The articles here are top notch; expert writing staff. The topics vary quite erratically, but they are always interesting and they always make me think at the end of the read. This site also has a huge archive of writings.

Design You Trust
Design You Trust is a design blog for the masses. Any designer or artist is able to register and post a new blog about their own work, work they find inspirational or pretty much anything design or art related. Despite the freedom expressed here, the posts seem to be all very good (save a few), and very inspirational.

A List Apart
A List Apart is another one of those good, top quality reads, especially for those in the web design field. Expert writing staff. The archive on this site is also huge. “For People Who Make Websites”.

The “Favourite Website Awards” is a daily updated website that features… websites. Lots of the websites featured on this site are top notch inspirations. Many are very flash heavy; the site itself is made in flash. This website has a great archive, and it’s fun to view what was hip in web design a few years ago.

Web Designer Wall
Web Designer Wall is all about showcasing the latest “web trends” in a very informational fashion. The tutorials featured here are very personalized, which is probably the reason it doesn’t get updated frequently, but when it does, the articles are always great. A website by Nick La.

Cool Hunting
Cool Hunting is a good resource to find out all the new and “cool” design and art related things going on. The items shown are usually very design/art culture orientated. It’s kind of like a mix between Uncrate and Design You Trust, two sites also featured on this list.

Smashing Magazine
Smashing Magazine is one of those must-reads for any graphic or web designer. There’s tons of inspirational material, design resources (most of them free), and lots and lots of lists about many different subjects.

etc. Is probably one of the best web resources out there. This site loves lists, tons and tons of useful lists on CSS, HTML, JavaScript, Web Development Tips, and etc. (pun intended). Don’t let the sub domain address fool you, this is one serious web site.

Good-Tutorials is a website dedicated to, well you guessed it… tutorials! There’s thousands of tutorials on here for lots of different software and languages including CSS, HTML, JavaScript, Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash, and more. I know there’s lots of good tutorial websites out there (another pun intended) but I prefer this one due to how the main page is layed out.

N.Design Studio
Another one by Nick La focusing on blogging and a section of tutorials and freebies concerning mostly Illustrator and Dreamweaver. Make sure you check out the Design Resources page.

Well that’s it for now. I’m sure there’s lots more out there that I should of added, but didn’t. Maybe I’ll post some images later.